Sunday, June 2, 2013

What's in a name

My husband and I had such a difficult time coming up with baby names. We actually didn't agree on anything and did not have a name picked out for a boy or girl when our little girl was born.

Evangeline was a front runner on my list for a baby girl. I first grew to love the name Evangeline when I read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Evangeline was the name of a sweet little girl in the story. I was struck by how beautiful the name was, and it helped that the character in the book made it even more beautiful. Then, a few years ago the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog came out and the name Evangeline popped up on my radar again. In the movie Ray, a firefly, sings a song to his love in the sky, Evangeline (a star).... The song added another sense of beauty to a name I already loved.

When our little girl was born sleeping I knew in my heart Evangeline was her name. In her name is the word angel, which is what she is to me. Evangeline in Uncle Tom's Cabin is a beloved little girl, who always did the right thing and passes away at a young age. Evangeline from The Princess and the Frog is a star in the sky. Ray sings to her, and at the end of the movie when Ray dies he becomes a star in the sky too, just like his Evangeline.

My Evangeline is my angel, my beloved little girl, and my beautiful star in the sky.

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