Thursday, September 26, 2013

Remembering you

Dear Evangeline,

This weekend I will walk to remember you. I will hear someone else say your beautiful name, as well as the names of so many other babies gone way too soon. I will light a candle, I will cry, and I will be so proud to be your mom.

I'm so thankful that there are remembrance ceremonies to celebrate your short but meaningful life. You are our daughter, and you will always be an important part of our lives. I'm glad other people will acknowledge you as our very missed baby girl.

I'm always so sad that other families have to know what this pain feels like. But I'm so grateful that there are people who understand, and we can all lean on each other on our journeys. It is because of you, Evangeline that I have met so many other beautiful, loving moms and dads. They too have babies they can only hold in their hearts, and just as they will always remember their sweet babies, I will remember them too. Although I wish I met them under different circumstances I am so glad to have them in my life.

As I walk for you this weekend I want you to know:

You are missed. You are remembered. You are loved.

Love you forever,


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